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Student Services

Services are available for students with disabilities. Parents can contact the teacher, the Principal or the Resource Specialist for information.

Health Services

Staff who have had First Aid training can perform emergency first aid. The school nurse is on campus two days a week and may be paged in an emergency. The school nurse completes state mandated screenings (vision, hearing) at designated grade levels. If your child has a suspected health problem, please let the school nurse know.


The District Psychologist provides special testing for referred students. Parent permission is required for testing.

Special Education

Some children are identified as having special learning needs & have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). The District’s philosophy is to keep these children in the regular classroom as much as possible and to supplement their education through Special Education Services. A team that may include the Resource Specialist, psychologist, nurse, classroom teacher, speech pathologist, and administrator designs individual programs for these students. Students who need intensive individual and small group support may be eligible for a Special Day Class. Staff works with parents to establish an appropriate placement.

Speech and Language Services

The Speech Pathologist provides speech and hearing therapy based upon the child’s needs. If you feel your child may have a speech or hearing problem, talk with the teacher or Resource Specialist about it. Students with suspected speech challenges are referred to the speech pathologist by the staff.

Vision and Hearing Tests

Vision screening and hearing screening is done for all children in K, 2, 5, 8, and for others as needed. 

Counseling & Mental Health Support

Clifford’s counseling team would like to inform families that counseling services are available to your student on campus. Services occur during the school day and are free to all students. These services can include Social Emotional Learning lessons in your student’s classroom, check-ins, individual therapy, group therapy, lunch bunch, and crisis interventions. If you have any questions about our school’s counseling services, please contact Renee Rodriguez (Lead Mental Health Counselor) at