Behavior Expectations & Student Conduct
The Redwood City Board of Education supports the concept that individual and group responsibility is learned through positive management and discipline procedures. Classroom and school student conduct policy at Clifford School is in accordance with district policy.
Clifford School is proud of the positive behavior that is maintained by our students. The students at Clifford are expected to act in ways that protect their safety and rights and the safety and rights of others. Additionally, we have adopted a school-wide positive behavior intervention program. It is based on a systems approach for establishing the social culture and individualized behavioral supports needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students. At Clifford, our expectations are that students:
Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible
The CLIFFORD BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS MATRIX is what is expected of all students, at all times. To help our students follow our expectations, teachers and staff regularly review our expectations in the hallway, at arrival & dismissal, on the playground, in the bathroom, MUB, library, and office.
Behavior can be taught. Acknowledging the behaviors you want to see repeated teaches students to engage in that behavior. Acknowledgment systems are a structured way to use behavior-specific praise to help students understand exactly what they did that was appropriate. When using behavior-specific praise, we name the specific behavior that was observed along with the expectation that was displayed so students know exactly what they did well. Using praise to acknowledge appropriate behavior can lead to more frequent appropriate behavior in classrooms. Clifford students will be recognized/acknowledged for making choices that are Safe, Responsible, and Respectful or that exemplify our school’s monthly character traits. Recognition may be in the form of specific verbal praise, or it may be written. Each adult on campus is challenged to acknowledge and validate at least five student-positive behaviors each day.
The playground/recess area does NOT include the upper walkways in front of 4th-5th classrooms or the red walkways in front of the B wing.
Play fairly and cooperatively.
Follow the rules of the equipment.
One direction on the monkey bars.
One on the slide at a time.
Only go DOWN the slide feet first, on backside.
Horizontal pull-up bars are for pull-ups only.
No running on the tanbark.
The tanbark stays on the ground… no kicking, digging, or playing with the tanbark.
Share equipment.
Own your actions.
Help others in need.
Include everyone.
If you think it’s mean - intervene.
Ask an adult for help when needed.
Use the bathroom and get water BEFORE the bell rings.
When the bell rings come down from the equipment safely and quickly and exit the tanbark area/hold all balls
Walk safely and directly to your line.
Respect all skill levels: Not everyone plays well but still wants to play.
Agree on the rules.
Pick up trash.
No Tag
No balls, toys, or equipment from home.
Be aware and respectful of the PE classes.
Be aware and respectful of others who are walking across the blacktop.
Pause games as adults or students are walking across the blacktop.
Share the balls, areas, and equipment/play fairly.
Ask an adult for help when needed.
Use the bathroom and get water BEFORE the bell rings.
Go directly to class when the bell rings.
Include others in games.
Respect all skill levels: Not everyone plays well but still wants to play
Duck Duck Goose Circle - students sit down around the circle while playing.
Students wait on the bench for a turn
Approx. 2 minutes
Swing facing toward Room K
No standing on the swing, no jumping off the swing
Students must sit on their bottoms on the swing
Play Structure
No running on the structure
1 person at a time on the monkey bars
No climbing on top of the monkey bars
One direction - students must start on the side closest to the fence and move toward the structure. One at a time. No overlapping.
Students must slide down all slides on their bottoms facing forward. No sliding on tummies or backward.
Students climb up the climbing wall, not down.
Cement Wall/Fences - no climbing on the cement wall or fences.
Tag - no chasing games - tag is not allowed.
Running - be VERY careful when running in front of or behind the swings! Students are allowed to run on the blacktop if they are careful and not chasing each other.
Although our main goal is to focus on providing positive feedback and reinforcement, there are times that we need to correct, reteach, and remind students about our school-wide behavior expectations. Each teacher has his/her own system in the classroom for dealing with student misbehavior which includes but is not limited to behavior reflection sheets, restorative practices, parent notification, and classroom points systems. When misbehavior has been excessive or a major offense, teachers may refer the student to the office by using our Office Referral system. Students will then meet with an administrator or office staff member to decide on the next steps.
Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power. The behavior is repeated or has the potential of being repeated over time. Such behavior is not tolerated at Roy Cloud and staff will take all measures to address this behavior efficiently.
To help support all students:
Students should report unwanted or aggressive behavior to a teacher, administrator, or other staff member.
Students should provide all information to a staff member upon occurrence.
If parents hear of aggressive behavior, gather as many facts as possible from your child and report it to the teacher or administrator as soon as possible.
Staff will investigate any adverse behaviors based on the facts received from all parties involved. Parents will be notified of any measures that directly impact their child.
In partnership with you, we want to help our students meet academic and behavioral goals. When teachers, staff, or administration feel that a student needs more support to meet our expectations, we will try a variety of interventions to re-teach these expectations. This may happen verbally with the student one-on-one or during a whole classroom lesson. After we have made several attempts to reteach the expectation, but the student is still in need of support, we may notify you by phone, email, or in person. We ask that you review this feedback with your child to reinforce the Clifford behavior expectations as listed in this handbook. Teachers may also send students to a Buddy Classroom for minor behaviors, where they will complete a Restorative Reflection Form before returning to the classroom. When interventions and communication at home are not working and for major incidents, teachers will refer the student to the office to meet with an administrator.
The following policies and consequences are intended to maintain an environment that is conducive to learning and to preserve and protect the rights of all Clifford students.
According to the State Education Code, any student may be suspended for, among other things:
Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person
Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object
Possessing, using, selling, or arranging to sell a controlled substance
Robbery, extortion, theft, vandalism, habitual profanity or vulgarity
Harassment, sexual or otherwise, committing an act of hate violence
Prohibited Items/Contraband: Laser pointers, matches, shaving cream, water balloons, water pistols, stink bombs, toy guns, pepper spray, slam book, and any other items that may be considered dangerous or disruptive to the learning environment shall be considered contraband. Per school board policy, weapons are strictly forbidden. The consequences for possession of a weapon or contraband are an automatic referral to an administrator and a possible suspension or expulsion. All contraband will be confiscated and returned to the parents/guardians at the discretion of the administration.