Middle School Specific Information
Homeroom will be used for the purposes of goal setting, student conferences, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), study skills, organization, grade checks, community building, and House activities. Each homeroom teacher will be the students’ primary contact, plan parent conferences, and answer questions from parents. The students will receive report cards and other notifications through their homeroom period.
Homework/Study Habits:
Homework plays an integral part in helping your child understand and master the curriculum, as well as learn time management and organizational skills. The purpose of homework is to reinforce concepts learned in class and to strengthen study habits to prepare students for high school. You can expect nightly homework Monday through Thursday. If your child is consistently spending more than two hours nightly doing homework, please let the appropriate teacher know, so a conference can be scheduled to discuss a plan for success. Teachers are generally available to students before and after school to answer questions and go over assignments. Please encourage your child to ask for help regarding assignments and organization.
Academic Integrity
Definition of integrity. 1 : firm adherence to a code of moral or artistic values : incorruptibility.
Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing.
Academic Misconduct is any action or attempted action that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for any other member or members of the academic community.
Grades are available online and can be checked by students and parents at any point using the student/parent portal. Grades should be updated every two weeks (or more frequently depending on the amount of assessments in a given class.)
Progress Reports/Report Cards
Progress reports and report cards will go home with students with an acknowledgement page to be signed and returned by both the student and parent/guardian. Progress reports will be sent at the mid-mark of each trimester and report cards at the end of the trimester.
Eligibility for School Activities
Students will be allowed to participate in dances, sports, and other activities outside of the normal school day at the discretion of the administration. Factors that may affect eligibility are:
Disruptive Behavior
Absence on the day of the event