Illnesses & Injuries at School
Students injured while at school are cared for in the following ways:
The teacher, who may keep the student under observation in the classroom, may inspect an injury.
For a more serious injury, the child is sent to the office for first aid.
The parents are routinely notified in the following situations and may be asked to pick up their child:
Any blow to the head
Injury to the eye
Bee or insect stings
Parents are contacted and may be asked to pick up their child for other reasons. Symptoms that would indicate that a child should not be in school include:
Temperature above or below normal
Nausea or vomiting
Evidence of a communicable disease
Severe headache
Spasm or convulsion
Returning to school too soon following an illness
Complaints from the child of feeling ill that do not respond to initial interventions
Parents are expected to be able to make arrangements to pick up an ill child within 30 minutes of our phone call. No child is sent home until the parent is contacted and a plan made for transportation. It is critical that all families have phone numbers on record with the school where they or a designee who can be reached immediately in an emergency situation. Transportation home is the responsibility of the parent. Please note: While there is a nurse assigned to Clifford, she is on campus only 1 day a week. Therefore it is imperative that you keep emergency numbers where you can be contacted up to date at all times.