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IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU KEEP ALL INFORMATION ON YOUR CHILD’S HEALTH AND ENROLLMENT CARD UP TO DATE AND ACCURATE. You must include information to allow the school to get in touch with you in case of an emergency. List home and work numbers, voicemail/email, and contact people who can find you quickly in case of an emergency or whom you give permission to pick up your child.

Report any changes in address, phone or work, emergency contact, and childcare provider information to the office immediately. List all up-to-date medical conditions and medication. Your child’s safety may depend on it. Office records are also used for the release of students in a disaster situation.


Goal-setting conferences are scheduled each October.   At this time, parents, students, and teachers work together to review progress and discuss annual goals. Spring Conferences are scheduled, as needed, in March. You may contact your child’s teacher to schedule a conference if one is needed at any other time during the year. Conference Days are shortened days for students to allow time for these conferences.


Please check with your classroom teacher for up-to-date classroom information on events, activities and ways to be involved. 


At our school, the safety and well-being of all students are our top priorities. You are encouraged to notify the teacher right away if you feel your child is having a problem in school (in class or on the playground). Your child’s teacher is the first point of contact.  Administration will be involved as needed if a resolution to the problem cannot be reached. 

There may be times when parents have concerns about something that occurred between their child and another student.  It is important that parents bring this to the attention of their teacher.  When we are made aware of incidents or parent concerns, we can properly address them and take steps to prevent them from reoccurring.  It is inappropriate for parents to address grievances directly to other children or their families. Instead, we ask that parents reach out to the teacher or administration for assistance in resolving conflicts.  

Also, let the school know if your child is experiencing a difficult situation (divorce, illness in the family) that may affect your child’s performance in school. Please do not wait, while hoping for the problem to go away or settle itself. The simplest and most successful solutions happen when concerns are communicated before they escalate.  


Get connected. Build community. Make friends. Be informed. One of the best ways to find out what’s happening at Clifford School is to explore the school website at Learn about our PTO, events and opportunities to meet other Clifford families, and get involved in our school community.


Report cards are issued three times a year, at the close of each trimester. The marks on the report card represent the teacher’s evaluation of your child’s progress toward meeting grade-level standards. The report card is a teaching tool as well as a means of reporting progress. The staff welcomes any questions you may have concerning the marks or comments on the report card.


Students may use the office telephone for EMERGENCY use only. Calling a parent for permission to visit a friend after school is not considered an emergency. Telephone calls for homework or forgotten textbooks may be made only at the teacher’s request.


Every other Monday, our bi-weekly online newsletter is published. This keeps parents informed of the activities at Clifford including the principal’s message, calendar, school news, district news, community events, and PTO activities. You will receive an email “blast” with the newsletter link. The blasts are sent to the emails that are entered on your student’s enrollment card. It is very important to keep your enrollment card up to date. Additional blasts are done throughout the year when important school information needs to be communicated.