Cell Phone Policy
TK-5 POLICY: Cell phones, smartwatches, and bluetooth headphones are not allowed to be used during the instructional day. Cell phones may only be used before and after school in the front of the campus to communicate with parents. Cell phones MUST be turned off and stored in backpacks as soon as students enter campus and during the instructional day, including passing periods, recess, and lunch. Text messaging and other online forms of cell phone communication are not allowed during the instructional day.
6-8 Policy: Cell phones, smartwatches, and bluetooth headphones are not allowed to be used during the instructional day. Cell phones MUST be turned off and locked in the student’s YONDR pouch (provided by the school), and stored in the backpacks or lockers during the instructional day, including passing periods, recess, and lunch. Text messaging and other online forms of cell phone/smartwatch communication are not allowed during the instructional day.
It is the student’s responsibility to bring their YONDR pouch to school each day.
If a student forgets their Pouch, their phone will be collected and Admin will call home to remind the parent of the policy. The phone will be returned to the student at dismissal.
DO NOT pull, pry, or damage the pouch in any way.
Pouches will be checked throughout the school year by middle school and admin staff.
Your pouch is YOUR responsibility at all times.
All bluetooth headphones and smartwatches must be kept off and away.
It is the responsibility of the student’s family to replace any damaged YONDR pouches. If a student continually forgets their pouch it will be considered lost.
1st Violation: Warning and reminder regarding permitted use. Device will be confiscated for the remainder of the day.
2nd Violation: Device will be confiscated for the remainder of the day. Parent must pick up.
3rd Violation: Student not permitted to bring the device on campus for the next 30 days. Parent must pick up.
4th Violation: Student not permitted to bring the device on campus for the next 30 days. Parent must pick up.
5th Violation: Device not allowed at school for reminder of the school year.
The school assumes NO liability for the disappearance of/or the damage to such items.